NA in Iceland 40th anniversary

NA in Iceland is celebrating its 40th anniversary and you are invited to participate with us. The celebration is in Reykjavik during the weekend of November 11th-13th 2022 and the main event on Saturday 12th. 

Details about main event 

What: NA conference and celebration

Where: SÁÁ, Efstaleiti 7

Date and time: November 12th 2022 at 11 AM – house opens 30 minutes earlier (see schedule below)

Price for an all-inclusive ticket (registration, dinner, and dance): €40

Registration fee: €5

How to buy tickets:

Send an email to with the following details:

– Name

– Country

– Contact information (email/mobile phone)

– Food allergies or vegan option

– Mode of payment: PayPal or international bank transfer (PayPal preferred)


Conference schedule November 12th (Saturday)

– Workshop 11:00 – 12:30

– Lunch break 12:30 – 13:00

– Speaker(s) 13:00 – 14:00

– Coffee break 14:00 – 14:30

– Workshop 14:30 – 16:00

Break during food preparation

Dinner and dance schedule

– Dinner  18:00 – 20:00

– Dance  21:00 – 00:00 (subject to change)

Other activities during the weekend:

Speakers at the Friday and Sunday NA groups

Where: Tjarnargata 20

Dates and time: Nov 11th and 13th at 21:00 / 9 PM

Unplanned activities may include

Swimming or relaxing in geothermal pools, dinner, and more 

Contact person

Lugi, and (+354) 6917778.

Practical information*

Getting around in Reykjavik

Getting to and from SÁÁ is easy.  There are buses or taxis (no über). Or you could walk or use e-scooters (they are everywhere).
For public bus ->
For e-scooter ->

Other travel-related information
For hotels and other travel-related information see:

Getting from/to the airport. We can recommend the bus (~30 min), see

*NA in Iceland neither endorses any of the mentioned nor any other companies (not even HP). It is only for practical purposes to provide foreign NA members with some travel-related information.


Næsti landsþjónustufundur verður haldinn laugardaginn 27. nóvember kl 16:00 í risinu í Gula Húsinu og á Zoom.

Landsþjónusta sér um öll innri mál NA samtakana og hluti sem deildirnar sjá ekki um sjálfar. Hlakka til að sjá sem flesta.


Meeting ID: 215 002 4232

Passcode: 1953

SOS fundur 23.okt 2021

Annar SOS fundur verður haldinn kl 16:00, laugardaginn 23. október í risinu í Gula húsinu.

Rætt verður um fundina sem NA samtökin halda inni á Vogi og ákvörðun tekin um framtíð þeirra.

Hvetjum alla sem hafa áhuga á að kynna sér SOS nánar eða vilja fara með fund inná stofnun að mæta.

SOS fundur

SOS fundur verður haldinn laugardaginn 18. september á Zoom kl. 16:00

Zoom linkur: 215 002 4232

Password: 1953

Framtíð SOS verður til umræðu og mönnun funda. Hvetjum alla til að mæta og kynna sér störf SOS.